Each year, following all the treats and many feasts associated with the festive season we step on the bathroom scales with trepidation. We curse the chocolate orange and banish the remnants of the selection box and the Baileys to the back of the cupboard.
We slump uncomfortably on the side of the bath wondering why our work trousers feel decidedly snug and promising the gods of salad we will do better. It is a new year, a fresh start, we will make changes…by Spring we will be in tip-top shape!
Sadly, only a tiny amount of new year’s resolutions are successful. An eye-watering 80% fail, interestingly this is the same percentage as the number of dogs over 3 years with dental disease! Let’s see if we can do something about it!

One small change to your routine could make a huge difference to your pet.
If you can do one thing for your pet this year, set a calendar reminder for our monthly WETS routine, weight exam and teeth!

Weighing your pet once a month could not only highlight weight gain, but also any weight loss. Weight loss can be an early indicator of many diseases. These extra tidbits of information can help your vet gather information, such as whether the weight loss has happened over many months, or much more acutely.
Examining them nose to tail could help you spot a small lump under your pet’s skin, much better to find after a couple of weeks than a few months when it becomes more difficult to sample and remove.
Teeth, the age-old nemesis of all vets, and pets. Dental disease can be really painful, remember your last toothache?! Worse still, it actually complicates other medical conditions such as diabetes and can lead to broken jaws (weakened by infection) in smaller breed dogs and cats. Not only that, On entering the bloodstream the bacteria in plaque can even cause organ damage! Your pets, especially our feline friends, are masters at hiding pain. Prevention is better than cure so get brushing those teeth!
The PDSA shows just how the problem develops with this great image from their website (www.pdsa.org.uk)

Did you know your pet can benefit your health too?
We owe our pets a high level of care and love. They can increase opportunities to exercise, get outside, and socialize. Regular walking or playing with pets can decrease blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and triglyceride levels. Pets can help manage loneliness and depression by giving us companionship.
Research teams from York and Lincoln universities recently found owning any pet, not just a cat or dog, helped maintain owners’ mental health. 91% of dog owners, 89% of cat owners, and 86% who owned other animal species felt their pet helped them cope emotionally. So, it is only right we support the health of our furry family members in return! After all, we try our best to protect our families health, why not be proactive for our pets?

We understand life is busy (we have our own menagerie and two kids!) So please don’t feel you have to change the world, just take one step in the right direction so you are not overwhelmed. Think of WETS as a circle or loop, you can jump on our even re-start at any time. One missed month is better than completely giving up. We are here and more than happy to help!
With over 40 years as veterinarians, we have the knowledge and hands-on experience to assist you. Our blog library is full of advice, from tackling obesity to new owner advice. You are always welcome to reach out to us if you need a little more help.
Our New Year’s Resolution for Happy Healthy Pets
Don’t worry, we fully intend to practice what we preach. We are progressing with our exciting plans for our Keep it Super Simple preventative health regimes, KISSCatCare and KISSDogCare and continually keeping up to date with the most recent advances in pet health care. Keep an eye on our social media and websites for future updates!

Don’t forget to share your pet health goals with us this year!
We can celebrate your successes and support you through any setbacks. Next month, during Dental Health Month we will share our tips on how to introduce toothbrushing to your pet.
Until then remember …..Pet’s need WETS!