Dog Slow Feed Bowl | Dog Maze Bowl

A premium unique slow feed bowl for dogs made from Bamboo Fiber and Rice husk.

Designed by 2 veterinarians to work with maximum effect, TO slow down feeding BUT not be frustrating.

  • Looks great and is strong and robust.
  • Can be washed in normal dish Washer
  • Good for the environment  as is biodegradable and 100% recyclable

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If you would like to purchase a bowl search on Amazon or go to our Online Store


This A Maze bowl was exactly what I needed!  I just wished i had gotten it several years ago.  Where it would take my Shepherd mix about 38 seconds to eat her food, it now takes approximately 4 minutes!  I don’t feed her as much with this bowl and even more amazing is that she actually leaves several pieces of dry food in her dish now.  This has never happened before.  I am hoping that she will now lose the weight that she has been needing to lose for a long time.  Excellent design and  product! Thank you so much.

Your bowl is the greatest thing ever!  Our dog used to wolf down food, and now it takes her 10 minutes to eat.  Thank you for a great product!
This works!
I have a labrador, whim I should have called ‘Dyson’, as he hoovers his food.  Mealtimes generally last between 10 and 20 seconds in the dog’s normal bowl, but with the Maze bowl it was much better!  Our lovely Lab took several minutes to eat his wet dog food, which became a bit of a game instead of just an inhalation exercise.  It’s also easy to clean.  Well done Simply Pets Online, great product!
Julie Wilson