We love these furry incarnations of our own personality. The lounge around hound, the curious cat, the playful lab and protective Shepherd—mirroring our own lifestyle and behavior—these pets are our chosen family. And they are important members. They amuse us. They love, protect and inspire us. Our job in turn is ensuring they are happy, healthy and loved.
And pet parents sure do try. From name-brand foods, memory foam beds, toys and regular vet visits, pet parents will go to great lengths to prove to Fluffy and Fido they are family—for a lifetime.
A lifetime commitment requires adjustments throughout to enhance our pets’ quality of life. Needs change as your pet grows and ages. Decreased mobility is often a side effect of aging—regardless of the food you feed and the care you give. It can be heartbreaking for pet parents and both physically and psychologically damaging to our furry family members.
Mobility issues can be caused by a variety of factors:
- Weight gain and obesity
- Arthritis and joint issues
- Chronic illness
- Nutritional deficiencies
Some of these symptoms reflect the human guardian’s lifestyle. Is your dog a couch potato because of their human’s lack of interest in exercise? A regular exercise and play plan for both cats and dogs can help keep those pounds down as their metabolism slows.
Is the food our pets eat designed for the lifestyle they live? Is it nutritionally correct for age and breed? Does it contain vitamins and minerals or preservatives and fillers? Pretty colours of kibble mean absolutely nothing—except to the advertisers… they love pretty colours. But those colours are dyed kibble—not vegetable bites. Read labels and ask your vet for advice on what to feed and what to avoid.
In recent years, Nutraceuticals (nutritional/pharmaceutical) have been introduced into the pet health care markets–and with great success. Nutraceuticals are made from herbal or botanical raw materials and are added into the pet’s physical care routine as a supplement to western medicine or as a stand-alone treatment. These products cover a variety of uses, including:
- Antioxidants
- Glucosamine and Chondroitin for joint health
- Fish Oils and minerals for coat and skin health
- Vitamins for dietary reasons
- Probiotics for digestive health
And the list goes on. Before choosing a Nutraceutical for your pet, consult your veterinarian. Make sure that you are familiar with the exact formula your pet needs. Know and understand the ingredients and how to read the labels on your supplement bottles. And always purchase your pet’s supplements from a reputable and accredited company or website.

Flexik9 can be purchased on Amazon in the UK here http://bit.ly/flexik9mediumdog
This can also be purchased on our own Website for worldwide shipping
We also produce a super palatable, cold-pressed chewy supplement especially for smaller breed dogs, for example
Bichon Frise
Boston Terrier
Brussels Griffon
Cairn Terrier
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Toy Poodles
Yorkshire Terriers etc
These JOINT supplement chews for small dogs can be purchased on Amazon UK or on our own store for worldwide shipping as below.
The good news is that there have been great strides in helping your pet age gracefully and with less pain. And now more than ever, there are resources available for pet parents to consult.
More and more veterinarians are practicing holistic medicine and are using supplements, acupuncture and massage therapy in conjunction with tradition western medicines.
Fifty years ago, there were one or two brands of dog and cat food on the market. Usually, a puppy kibble, adult kibble, and a can of something smelly for cats lined a couple of shelves at the grocery. Today, there are entire supermarkets devoted to pets and their needs.
And for those who like the couch and not the crowds or traffic, the world wide web has brought research and information into your homes and the ability to purchase food, toys, preventative medicines and even Nutraceuticals with the push of a button.